约翰J. 加州音乐学院 是一个综合的, professional school of music centered on preparing the creative leaders of tomorrow. 的 school is dedicated to a premier artistic 和 academic education offering exceptional conservatory-level training in best-in-class facilities.

学生从专业中选择 performance, jazz studies, composition, music education, recording arts + production,音乐疗法, studying with world-class musicians dedicated to their artistic 和 personal growth. 学校提供 Bachelor of Music (BMus), Bachelor of Arts (BA), Master of Music (MM),文学硕士(MA) 度.


Immersive Residency guests 24-25 Season collage


参加我们的 第四届 re-imagined professional residency program at the 约翰J. 加州音乐学院. 的 week-long residencies include a rotation of top-rated artists 和 ensembles. Each residency will contribute to an ongoing exploration of the ever-changing l和scape of music today, introducing students to a future that will be, 有时, 不那么传统. Through the multiple opportunities to learn 和 collaborate with guest artists, Cali students will broaden their underst和ing of their future musical careers.

More Information 和 时间表 of 事件

Please join us for the public events at the 加州音乐学院 和 the 桥梁系列 concerts at Merkin Concert Hall in New York City, co-presented with Kaufman Music Center

表演 Ensemble Information

表演 is a vital element in all of our programs. We expect students to grow in their specialties 和 as musicians throughout their lives. We present over 300 concerts 和 masterclasses a year by students, faculty, guest artists 和 the 哈莱姆四方, ensemble-in-residence.

免费的卡利周中音乐会 presents students, faculty 和 guest artists in small ensembles. 我们的年度 万花筒 concerts offer multiple soloists 和 small 和 large ensembles performing many styles of music. Large ensemble 和 opera performances take place in the acoustically acclaimed 亚历山大·卡塞尔剧院, while solo, 爵士乐组合室演出 take place in the Cali School’s Jed 莱肖维茨演奏厅.

乐队唱诗班爵士乐歌剧 管弦乐队毕业生四重奏驻地


To learn about events or schedule visits:


A great way to learn more about the 加州音乐学院 at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 is to experience it for yourself.  We invite you to spend time with us 和 meet students, faculty 和 staff as well as participate in classes 和 ensembles.  申请参观日 at the 加州音乐学院 和 let us plan a day that is meaningful for you!

申请参观日 More Info About 访问ing the Cali School Virtual Stroll through Chapin Hall

Daniel Bernard Romain with violin

艺术家2024 - 25

我们很高兴地宣布这一点 丹尼尔·伯纳德·鲁曼 (DBR) has joined the 加州音乐学院 as our new Artist-in-Residence for the 2024-2025 academic year. 杰出的黑人, Haitian-American composer 和 violinist, DBR is recognized for his innovative fusion of electronic, 非裔美国人, 还有古典音乐. His collaborations with prominent artists such as J 'Nai Bridges, Lady Gaga,菲利普·格拉斯 have established him as a transformative figure in contemporary music. DBR’s extensive body of work includes scores for film, 剧院, 和舞蹈, with notable contributions such as the soundtrack for the acclaimed documentary “Ailey” 和 over 30 album recordings. His achievements are further highlighted by two regional Emmy Awards 和 the prestigious Sphinx Organization Arthur L. 约翰逊奖.

We look forward to the invaluable experiences 和 knowledge DBR will bring to our students throughout the 2024-2025 academic year 和 in the Immersive Residency Program.



卡利·卡塞尔剧院活动 FREE Wednesday Cali Midweek SeriesCali沉浸式驻留活动学生演出事件日历

看直播视频从 莱肖维茨演奏厅亚历山大·卡塞尔剧院





约翰J. 加州音乐学院 Main Office: 973-655-7212

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David s和ers with student in broadcast production booth

School of Communication 和 Media

访问 the School of Communication 和 Media



访问 艺术与设计系

Student production of 的 Stage Door


访问 the 戏剧舞蹈系