

When you leave employment at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, there are some steps you will need to follow to help ensure it is a smooth process.

  1. 通知
  2. 额外的流程
  3. 大学财产和罚款
  4. 确保在工作日使用正确的地址
  5. Important Post-Employment Information
  6. For Additional Information and Appointment Requests

Please read the information below for details on these processes. We thank you for your time and contribution to 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学.

一步。 1

Providing your supervisor with notification of your leaving two to four weeks in advance of your last day is best practice.

When you know you are leaving 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学:

A. 辞职 – Notify your direct supervisor by supplying a signed letter of resignation. Be sure to include your last day of employment.

B. 退休 – Request an appointment with the benefits department by calling 973-655-5293 或电子邮件 hr@ourbabyplace.com. 在你确定退休日期之后, please notify your direct supervisor and submit a signed letter of retirement. Be sure to include your last day of employment.

退休s usually occur the first day of the month. Unused, accrued, remaining vacation time may be applied prior to your retirement date. 请打电话给 973-655-5293 或电子邮件 hr@ourbabyplace.com to make sure you have accrued the time you attend to use.

一步。 2

A. 退出调查 (可选)

持续改进, employees are encouraged to communicate their employment experience at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学 by completing an on-line 退出调查. A link will be emailed to you from 人力资源 if you have turned in a resignation or retirement letter to 人力资源.

If you do not receive this email, contact 人力资源 at hr@ourbabyplace.com.

You may request an in-person interview as well.

B. 后的限制 for Future Employment (必需)

It is a New Jersey requirement for you to review the NJ States Ethics Commission on post-employment rules and regulations.

A link will be emailed to you from 人力资源 once you have turned in a resignation or retirement letter to 人力资源.

If you do not receive this email, contact 人力资源 at hr@ourbabyplace.com. You must acknowledge, in the online form, that you have received this information.

Please review the NJ States Ethics Commission on post-employment rules and regulations:

C. 眼镜蛇 (可选)

员工s or their dependents covered by the New Jersey State Health 好处 Program (SHBP) who lose coverage may be able to continue health benefits coverage under 眼镜蛇.

了解更多关于 眼镜蛇.

For those who need assistance filling out the on-line documents, 需要使用电脑, or need any documents in a paper format, 请与人力资源部联系 973-655-5293 或电子邮件 hr@ourbabyplace.com

一步。 3

Work with your direct supervisor to ensure all university equipment and property, used while employed at 十大博彩推荐排名州立大学, 返回.

An email will be sent to the departments listed below once we receive your retirement or resignation letter.

  • 资讯科技部
  • 财务及库务局
  • 停车
  • 图书馆

Each department is to contact you if there is a need to retrieve items or collect fines. 这包括但不限于:

一步。 4
  • Log into Workday prior to your last day to ensure that we have the most current and up-to-date mailing address for any potential tax information or other correspondence that may need to be mailed to you.
  • We also recommend that you input a personal email address and phone into Workday, in the event the university needs to contact you.
  • For information on how to update your address, see the 员工自助服务指南.
一步。 5
Important Post-Employment Information

A. 系统访问 – You will have access to 大学 systems for 14 days after your last day of employment not including Workday.

B. Continuation of Group 人寿保险 – If you are interested in continuing your life insurance, please download the Continuation of Group 人寿保险 (DOC) 并遵循指示. This must be done within 31 days of the last day worked. It is only available for employees in a pension plan.

C. 离开平衡 – Your leave balances will be available after your last day.  You can view your remaining leave balance within Workday once it has been prorated by the timekeeper.  If you are looking for leave balance information after the 14 day cut off, please submit a Workday Service ticket by emailing wccsupport@ourbabyplace.com 或者打电话 973-655-5000.

D. Paystub – Should you need a copy of a paystub, please submit a Workday Service ticket by emailing wccsupport@ourbabyplace.com 或者打电话 973-655-5000

E. 就业验证 – For information about verification of employment, view 就业验证.

一步。 6
For Additional Information and Appointment Requests
联络人力资源部: hr@ourbabyplace.com 或打电话 973-655-5293.